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Divine Equine Paste is specially formulated for horses and contains a special blend of herbs and the amino acid “L-Tryptophan.” L-Tryptophan is an “essential” amino acid, meaning that it is essential to life and cannot be synthesized by the body. L-Tryptophan, of all the essential amino acids, is the least abundant in typical animal feeds. Therefore, it is often lacking in the diet and must be supplemented. L-Tryptophan is essential to the proper functioning of the nervous system.

The herbs in Divine Equine are those that are known to have a calming or relaxing effect. The Merck Index, tenth edition specifically mentions Valerian Root and Passion Flower as having this therapeutic effect.

Indications: Administer directly from the oral-dose syringe onto the back of the animal’s tongue two to four hours prior to competition or transporting.


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